Projekt eTwinning
O projektu
During a mobility program for teachers (Erasmus KA1) to develop CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) skills in June 2017, two teachers from Hustopece High School in the Czech Republic and a teacher from Le Mans High School in France attended met. Many common points emerged: our schools are of a comparable size, have a youth audience from the rural world, begin to develop CLIL lessons to a public of young scientists to convince ... and have a culture common sharing, opening to the outside. From this formation germinated the idea of exchanging on our teaching practices CLIL nascent.
S kolegy partnerské školy " lycée La Germiniére de Rouillon", která se nachází v departmentu Sarthe v regionu Pays de la Loire a její zaměření je ekonomika a zemědělství, připravujeme podklady pro organizaci výměnného pobytu v roce 2019. Cílem projektu bude výměna zkušeností s výukou CLIL v přírodních vědách a poznání svých regionů. Spolupráce vyučujících vznikla během semináře v Dublinu v rámci projektu Erasmus+KA1a bude pokračovat výměnnou studentů ( 20-25 studentů) v rámci projektu Erasmus+ KA2 ve výzvě o dotaci 2018 ( žádost o grant byla schválena na pozici náhradníka) a budeme opakovat žádost o grant ve výzvě 2019 a věříme, že bude úspěšná...
- go further in language skills : The European sections help to improve pupils' language skills in the context of linguistic reinforcement and by studying a discipline in a foreign language.
- to go further in the knowledge of its territory : To exchange is also to present oneself, one's teaching and one's territory.
- to go further in the European opening of high school students
We will use this platform to start to exchange, via different media (text, audio, video, ..) for a future meeting. We will be able to present any document allowing to better explain our territory and our learnings : they will serve to know better.
This is to discuss and to present teaching practices in English, for an audience of high school science students, as its name suggests : "Let's take a CLIL together !"
Soubory ke stažení
- etw_certificate_179672_cz-554f3.pdf [PDF, 91,56 KB]